2月ゲスト講師セミナー by Barbara Hoskins Sakamoto先生

Thank you!
その記念すべき回に相応しく、TESOL専門家でありベストセラー教材『Let’s Go』シリーズ(オックスフォード大学出版局)著者の Barbara Hoskins Sakamoto先生に2本立てのゴージャスなワークショップを開催していただきます🥳





🌎Barbara Hoskins Sakamoto先生
子ども英語向けベストセラー 教材Let’s Go(オックスフォード大学出版)、オンラインコース English for Teachers (International Teacher Development Institute)の共著者
Early Years Second Language Education (Routledge) 内のThe role of technology in early years language educationの章を執筆
また、米国国務省の英語教育スペシャリストであり、International Teacher Development Institute (iTDi.pro)のコース・ディレクターとしても活躍している

From Inclusive Classrooms to Global Impact: A Two-Part Workshop

I have two topics I am very excited about – creating inclusive classrooms and developing critical and creative thinking skills. I couldn’t choose between them, so in this session, we are going to talk about both!
We all want to make our lessons more engaging and accessible for all our students. In the first part of this session, we’ll look at ways to address the diverse needs and challenges of students, especially those with learning difficulties. We’ll look at some practical strategies and tools to help you design inclusive and adaptable lessons that use movement, games, and projects to enhance learning.
For the second part, we’ll start with a question: How can we help students develop the critical and creative thinking skills they’ll need for an unknown future? For example, students can learn to think critically about environmental impact by comparing common classroom items. We’ll also explore some ways to foster creativity by imagining ways to recycle and repurpose found materials as classroom teaching tools.
In both sessions, you will have opportunities to engage in a fun task with other participants and learn from each other!


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